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Grassroots U is a unique international professional development, change leadership, and capacity-building program in real-life social entrepreneurship.
Grassroots U offers social entrepreneurship and innovation programs, workshops and courses to students, professionals, organizations, and companies interested in social change, innovation, organizational strengthening, and leadership in the 21st century. Programs are grounded in local communities, delivered through local partners, technical experts, academics (courses) and peers through an intensive learning-by-doing personal and professional journey. 

The objectives of Grassroots U are to:

  • build human capacity to make and lead social change,

  • strengthen organizations to be sustainable and create impact,

  • build local ecosystems that support and enable social entrepreneurship.

Grassroots U works to transform participants, institutions, communities, the environment, and ecosystems and to make change, lead change and become change. 

© 2020 Virtue Ventures 

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